Generate a UFI code, submit a PCN file. Not sure how to prepare for Annex VIII of CLP? We can help you!
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Since January 2021, all hazardous mixtures must include an additional code on the label: the UFI code (Unique Formula Indentifier). This obligation arises from Regulation (EU 2017/542), as an amendment to CLP, Annex VIII (EU 1272, 2008).
UFI code
The UFI code is an alphanumeric code consisting of 16 characters. This code must be printed on the label. The UFI code is generated from the VAT number and a (to be chosen) numeric wording number.
The UFI code is entered step by step. The dates of entry into force at a glance:
- Mixtures for consumer use –> 1 January 2021
- Mixtures for professional use –> 1 January 2021
- Mixtures for industrial use –> 1 January 2024
The transition period expires on 1 January 2025. From that time on, all products on the market containing hazardous mixtures must bear a UFI code and be notified to a poison control centre.
The responsibility for notification to a poison control centre lies with importers and downstream users who place mixtures on the market which are classified as hazardous to health or which present physical risks.
With the help of the UFI code, a poison control center can act faster and more accurately in the event of a reported poisoning. That is why notification according to a fixed format is also mandatory with effect from the above dates. Take a look at this
for a complete overview.
PCN Portal
To register a product at the European Poison Centres, there will be 1 central portal. Via this portal, a registration can be made to all necessary countries. The format and the required information will be the same for all countries.
For a registration via the new PCN portal, products must be classified according to the intended use, the European Product Categorisation System, abbreviated EuPCS, in addition to a UFI code.
ExESS Software
The ExESS software of LISAM systems has already been adapted to this. ExESS can easily generate the UFI code, track changes and automatically submit files in PCN format to appointed authorities.
For more information, see the flyer ExESS-PCN module and this short video Annex VIII to CLP Regulation.